Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Simple Life, an oxymoron

Life is such a gamble. Or maybe not so much a gamble as much as a game. Is there a difference? There have been so many people writing so many different versions of how they perceive life. For me, life is about happiness and unhappiness. I try to block out the grey areas, although I am painfully aware of how the grey areas happen to be there, very much so.

Humour, now that is overrated. Humorous people are not always happy, and unhappy people find reasons to not be unhappy. So where does that leave you and I? Is that a question to be asked? For most people, no. Don't ask funny questions, you may receive funny answers which you wont like.

"Sir, do you think I am a doormat?"
"Why yes, as a matter of fact I do."

A game it is for sure. Look for happiness, avoid unhappiness. Basic objective of the game. Now how do you win this game of life? Simple- strategize, connive, pressurize, force(yourself or others, it doesn't matter, you just have to win). And guess what, in this game, you don't get extra lives, you lose the one you have, K.O. game over!

Because these days no one cares if you are good or bad. They care if you win or lose. You might end up being a slave to nasty emotions if you try to be a good person. How utilitarian, you may think. Life can be about passion, not utility. I agree, but the point is, only if you have the particular brand of passion, the brand that is essential, you survive. A passion for yellow light will get you nowhere.

However, there comes a stage in life when one realizes how difficult it is to change, even if one wants to. Such mortals! People always tell each other not to worry. But if we don't worry about what we did, how we do it and what we were doing to do about it, we wouldn't be...we.

Humans worry, and hence are mortals.


Anuragini Shreeya said...

in a way, this reflects my state of mind too...

devina said...

truly inspirational and mature..21st century social darwinism at its best
i will always rem sum of the lines frm this piece of urs "win or lose","particular brand of passion"..u always make us proud..keep writing:)