Saturday, September 6, 2008

Should I even care?

Once, I was on this train to Delhi with a friend, and I heard the most outrageous comment- "90% of all Indian women suffer from an inferiority complex". Now, this incident ticked me off for several reasons-
A. The man (a woman couldn't possibly pass such a heinous comment unless she was vain enough to believe that she belonged to the other 10%)...anyway, the man kept repeating this line, over and over again!
B. He kept looking at the few women around him (which includes my friend and I) while he said this, as if he were waiting for us to challenge him.
C. "90 % of all Indian women suffer from an inferiority complex" ??!! I mean, has he done this huge survey of women all around the world, and concluded that only the Indians are the unlucky ones?

SO, while he rambled on and on and gave the most random explanations to prove his hypothesis, my blood kept boiling...but, thanks to my friend, who has a very level head on her shoulders, I could keep my temper in check, or the co-passengers would have to witness a very ugly fight, which might have been far more entertaining than the instrumental music that Rajdhani forces on its passengers.

I concluded, this man is lonely, going through a mid-life crisis and wants attention from some women, because his wife was so not listening to a word of what he was saying! Also, 47.6% of all statistics are made on the i guess the 90% in the statement was just that-random!

These incidents made life much more interesting though, after all, what is life without friends, enemies and arbitrary people on trains? :)


Sruthi Muralidharan said...

Classic Dinduness...
I love You!!

divyanshu said...

A 100% (another statistic) whiny blog(also the one before it)....but hey its what you do best!!
A good read...and the part about the rajdhani music is soo true.. They play the instrumental music of the worst old hindi songs....

They say that posting "intelligent comments" on other blogs increases your traffic by upto 90%...that is one statistic I hope is true...

Atreyee said...

@ Sruthi Didi- Thank you, i love you too!!
@ Divyanshu- Thanks, i choose to just concentrate on "the good read" and obliterate the rest.

Unknown said...

i love you fr this blog!!!
n the next one is even better...

Atreyee said...

@the lucky brother- Thanks :)
It wasn't a dude, it was an uncle-ji with a mustache.
@Parul- Madam, i aim to please :D

Anonymous said...

Yeah Rajdhani music is very annoying. Has no one really complained as yet? :D
I still so prefer wordpress.
They give you stats of who all visited.
They have the comment area, just below the post. It is more user friendly :D
Am pretty jobless :D

Ashish TOMAR said...

No of course you shouldn't care.. Thinking reasonably like you do, one must not indulge in superiority complex either.. It is easy to look at things and assume that we are much better. For the things we get and did not choose ( like family, place riches, schools etc) there is no point in being proud.